Friday 30 December 2011

Where did December go???

Well, that's it  - all over now for another year.  Can't believe it's been so busy I haven't written on here for a month.

Much of December was mostly about panto - what fantastic fun - I had a great time painting scenery and helping with the lighting for the shows - my son was half the horse.  Valley Academy put on a fabulous show - complete sell-out performances for Rossendale's only Christmas panto. To me panto is all part of the exciting time leading up to Christmas and this certainly ticked all the boxes. Follow the link for a preview of Nigel Taylor's great DVD.

So after all the panto excitement and Christmas parties it was a mad rush to get ready for the 'big day' but we made it.  Santa brought me some lovely sheepskin boots, we had a great Xmas Day with family and Boxing Day with friends - not made it out of my pyjamas or the house again until today as I've been full of cold, but hey ho.  Getting the house sorted out again now ready for New Year's Eve - this is going to be the year when I de-clutter!  Coming from a family of inveterate hoarders that is probably unlikely but you never know - watch this space!!!